Evolving digital skills development

Evolving digital skills development
Digital skills development must keep evolving

Digital skills development must keep evolving
Today, two-thirds of the global population, or 5.3 billion people, are online. As we work to connect the remaining 2.7 billion people, the physical infrastructure for connectivity forms only part of the picture.
Without the necessary digital skills, people are unable to fully unlock the benefits of today’s technology.
With the rapid and accelerating pace of technology evolution, training and capacity building must be constantly developed and improved to ensure that citizens, as well as information and communication technology (ICT) professionals, have the right skills and qualifications to make effective use of today’s digital tools.
ITU Academy Training Centers
We at ITU are already working actively around the world to bridge the digital skills gap.
The designated Centers hosted by rigorously selected partner organizations – provide a vital means to strengthen delivery of high quality telecommunication/ICT training and strengthen institutional capacity in countries and regions around the globe. Courses will be delivered online through ITU’s e-learning platform, the ITU Academy.
The training people gain through the ATC programmer will enable them to expand their knowledge, develop skills, and harness the benefits of digital technologies.
The ITU Academy offers over 150 training courses to thousands of ICT professionals every year, nearly 70 per cent of whom are from developing countries.
Promoting digital skills development and digital training programmers is key to ensuring inclusive and secure telecommunications/ICTs for sustainable development – one of the core priorities for the ITU Development Sector, as outlined in the Kigali Action Plan.
Why skills development matters
What we do today can give children the skills to stay safe and secure online, help nations to develop national ICT Household surveys to advance digital development, provide mentorship to women who wish to advance their careers in the cybersecurity field, and strengthen digital capacities of citizens around the world.
Our ongoing digital development work aims to build a society where all people can use knowledge and skills on digital technologies to improve their livelihoods. 

Feb 25, 2023
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