Almost 70% of Iranian schools connected to NIN

Almost 70% of Iranian schools connected to NIN
Close to 70 percent of schools in Iran have been connected to the National Information Network (NIN), said the Iranian minister of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Close to 70 percent of schools in Iran have been connected to the National Information Network (NIN), said the Iranian minister of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
 According to Iran Daily, This has been done as part of a project, jointly underway by the Iranian Ministry of ICT and the Ministry of Education, to increase the number of smart schools in the country.
In July 2019, an MoU was signed between the two Iranian ministries to raise the number of smart schools in the country in a ceremony on the sidelines of the 25th Iran International Exhibition of Electronic Computer and E-Commerce (ELECOMP). 
In an address to that ceremony, Iranian ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi had said as stipulated in Iran’s Sixth Economic Development Plan (2017-22), the Ministry of Education should take serious steps to raise the number of the country’s smart schools, particularly in deprived areas.
Commenting on the implementation of the MoU on Sunday, Azari Jahromi said as per the agreement, the Ministry of ICT is responsible for connecting the country’s schools to the NIN as the first step in the process of implementing the project.
He added equipping schools with the required infrastructure is the second step which is a responsibility of the Ministry of Education.
The other part of the project is creating smart systems which is jointly underway by the Information Technology Organization of Iran and the Ministry of Education.

Feb 22, 2020
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