By signing an agreement between internet operators such as Rightel, shuttle, Filimo, Asia Tak, Aparat and Telewebion domestic traffic tariffs decreased for end – users.
Public relation and
international affairs of TIC announced that: Accordingly, services access tariff
for users which through data exchange center (NIX) to data service is reduce by
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi deputy minister, chairman of
the board and managing director of Telecommunication Infrastructure Company
(TIC) announced that : Today three communication services Rightel, shuttle and , Asia Tak along with three major service provider
Aparat, Filimo and Telewebion agreed through
decrees use their own package fees for end users in the
country .
He added:
"In the first phase of the project that has started with purpose of reducing
traffic tariffs, companies can transfer their own data
traffic of TIC data exchange route ".
Mr Azari Jahromi Noted:
Improvement the quality of economic, social, security indicators and providing
fully domestic services to users in national network to achieve resilient
economy is performance of this plan.
He added: "performing this plan‘because of free traffic fees via
data exchange center (NIX) wiil be reduce by 50% for end users.
Finally he said:
coming soon data exchange center national information network will be
inaugurated in Shiraz and Tabriz cities
, and with establishment of these centers ‘ we will witness Increase indicators
quality and security this communication in the country.